Aphid(various species)

General Description

Damage: Aphids can cause premature senescence and reduce yields, especially large populations. But the main economic impact of aphids on potatoes is virus transmission, especially Potato Leafroll Virus (PLRV) and Potato Virus Y (PVY). Green peach aphid and potato aphid are the most common aphid species in potato fields, but other aphids can spread viruses while passing through in search of more suitable hosts.  

Scouting: Potato growers should monitor fields for aphids often to identify early infestations. Aphids can reproduce rapidly and large infestations can be difficult to control with a single insecticide application. 

Control: Some aphicides are better than others at limiting spread of PVY. Many that work via ingestion kill aphids too slowly to prevent spread; an exception is selective feeding blockers that kill slowly but stop feeding within hours. Contact insecticides can be useful to knockback aphid populations, but many do not have long enough residual activity or coverage of new growth to prevent migrating aphids from spreading PVY between applications.

Registered Pesticides

Stage of Development: Planting to Pre-emergence
Pesticide MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Platinum 75 SG
4AE1.66-2.67 oz12 hIt may work too slowly to prevent spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high.
Admire Pro (soil application)
4AE5.7-8.7 fl oz12 hIt may work too slowly to prevent spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high.
Belay (soil application)
4AE9-12 fl oz12 hIt may work too slowly to prevent spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high.
Thimet 20-G SmartBox
1G-F See Label72 h90 dExpect only 50 days of residual control. It may work too slowly to prevent spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high.

Stage of Development: Planting to Pre-emergence


0 Product Choices

4 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Emergence to Row Closure
Pesticide MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Transform WG
4CE0.75-1.5 oz24 h7 dEarly-to-mid season application will cover aphids and some other migrating pests. Apply when aphids are migrating into potatoes.
Vydate C-LV
1AG-F1.1-2.1 pt48 h7 dApplications targeting nematodes may suppress aphids but are not expected to control large infestations. Apply before populations build, or before an earlier systemic aphicide breaks down. Re-treat after 14-days if aphids continue to move into the field and your goal is to limit spread of Potato Virus Y.
Admire Pro (foliar)
4AG1.3 fl oz12 h7 dApply to foliage when aphids are first detected. Expect shorter residual activity compared to seed treatment or soil application of Admire Pro.
Lannate LV
1AF1.5-3.0 pt48 h6 dIt will knockback aphids. Products with longer residuals are preferred for controlling migratory aphids and limiting Potato Virus Y spread. Better for late season to knockback multiple pests.
Carbine 50 WG
29E2.0-2.8 oz12 h7 dApply before populations start to build, or before a systemic aphicide treatment breaks down. Rapid feeding cessation, so it is a good choice to limit spread of Potato Virus Y.
9BE2.75-5.5 oz12 h14 dApply before populations start to build, or before a systemic aphicide treatment breaks down. Rapid feeding cessation, and aphids die 3-5 days later. A good choice to limit spread of Potato Virus Y. Apply 5.5 oz/A if also targeting psyllids.
Movento HL
23E-G2.0-2.5 fl oz24 h7 dApply before populations build, or about 10 days before an earlier systemic insecticide breaks down. It may work too slowly to prevent spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high.
Asana XL
3F-P5.8-9.6 fl oz12 h7 dApply before aphid populations start to build, but only if it’s before mid-June. Not particularly effective for aphids.
abamectin (avermectin) and bifenthrin
3, 6F-P7-17 fl oz12 h21 dApply before aphid populations build, but only if it’s before mid-June. Not very effective for aphids.
Baythroid XL
3F-P2.8 fl oz12 h0 dApply before aphid populations build, but only if it’s before mid-June. Not very effective for aphids.
Warrior II
3F-P1.28-1.92 fl oz24 h7 dApply before aphid populations start to build, and it is before mid-June. Not particularly effective for aphids.
Mustang Maxx
3F-P3.2-4.0 fl oz12 h1 dApply before aphid populations start to build, and it is before mid-June. Not particularly effective for aphids.
Dimethoate 400 EC
1BG0.5-1.0 pt48 h0 dIt will knockback aphid populations, but products with longer residual activity are preferred for controlling migratory aphids and limiting Potato Virus Y spread. Better for late season to knockback multiple pests.
21AG17-21 fl oz12 h14 dApply when aphids are present for knockback control with anti-feeding. Contact insecticide with limited residual activity, so good coverage is important, especially when leaf growth is rapid, and other insecticides may be needed to extend control.
28G13.5-20.5 fl oz12 h7 dApply before aphid populations build. Rapid anti-feeding activity helps to limit spread of viruses, like Potato Virus Y, that spread quickly.
Minecto Pro
abamectin, cyantraniprole
6, 28G10 fl oz12 h14 dApply before aphid populations build. Rapid anti-feeding activity helps to limit spread of viruses, like Potato Virus Y, that spread quickly. The abamectin in Minecto Pro is not very effective for aphids.
Sivanto 200 SL
4DE7-10.5 fl oz4 h7 dEarly-to-mid season application will cover several migrating pests. Apply before populations build. Rapid anti-feeding activity helps to limit spread of viruses, like Potato Virus Y, that spread quickly. Use the highest allowed rate when aphid pressure is high, foliage is dense, or with aerial application.
Assail 70WP
4AE1-1.7 oz12 h7 dApply when aphids are first detected.
4AE3 oz12 h14 dApply when aphids are first detected.
9DE3 fl oz12 h7 dApply at the first sign of aphids. Anti-feeding activity should limit spread of potato viruses.
Leverage 360
beta-cyfluthrin, imidacloprid
3, 4G2.8 fl oz12 h7 dApply before aphid populations build, but only if it’s before mid-June.
bifenthrin, imidacloprid
3, 4AG3.8-6.14 fl oz12 h21 dApply before aphid populations build, but only if it’s before mid-June.
novaluron, acetamidiprid
15, 4AG9-12 fl oz12 h14 dApply when aphids are first detected. The novaluron in Cormoran is not very effective for aphids.
NCF-P1-3.5 pt4 h0 dApply when aphids first appear. It may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.
Neemix 4.5 IGR
NCF-P5-7 fl oz4 h0 dApply when aphids first appear. It may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.
PyGanic Crop Protection EC 5.0
3AF-P4.5-15.61 fl oz12 h0 dApply when insects first appear. Don’t wait until plants are heavily infested. It may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high.
BioCover MLT
mineral oil/petroleum distillate
NCF-P See Label4 hApply when aphids first appear to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, or before aphids are present in large numbers if the goal is to keep aphid numbers in check and virus spread is not a concern.
neem oil
NCF-P See Label4 h0 dApply before aphids are present in large numbers if the goal is to keep aphid numbers in check and virus spread is not a concern. Apply when aphids first appear to limit virus spread, however it may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.

Stage of Development: Emergence to Row Closure


0 Product Choices

62 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Tuber Bulking
Pesticide MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Transform WG
4CE0.75-1.5 oz24 h7 dEarly-to-mid season application will cover aphids and some other migrating pests. Apply when aphids are migrating into potatoes.
Vydate C-LV
1AG-F1.1-2.1 pt48 h7 dApplications targeting nematodes may suppress aphids but are not expected to control large infestations. Apply before populations build, or before an earlier systemic aphicide breaks down. Re-treat after 14-days if aphids continue to move into the field and your goal is to limit spread of Potato Virus Y.
Lannate LV
1AF1.5-3.0 pt48 h6 dIt will knockback aphids. Products with longer residuals are preferred for controlling migratory aphids and limiting Potato Virus Y spread. Better for late season to knockback multiple pests.
Carbine 50 WG
29E2.0-2.8 oz12 h7 dApply before populations start to build, or before a systemic aphicide treatment breaks down. Rapid feeding cessation, so it is a good choice to limit spread of Potato Virus Y.
9BE2.75-5.5 oz12 h14 dApply before populations start to build, or before a systemic aphicide treatment breaks down. Rapid feeding cessation, and aphids die 3-5 days later. A good choice to limit spread of Potato Virus Y. Apply 5.5 oz/A if also targeting psyllids.
Movento HL
23E-G2.0-2.5 fl oz24 h7 dApply before populations build, or about 10 days before an earlier systemic insecticide breaks down. It may work too slowly to prevent spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high.
Dimethoate 400 EC
1BG0.5-1.0 pt48 h0 dIt will knockback aphid populations, but products with longer residual activity are preferred for controlling migratory aphids and limiting Potato Virus Y spread. Better for late season to knockback multiple pests.
21AG17-21 fl oz12 h14 dApply when aphids are present for knockback control with anti-feeding. Contact insecticide with limited residual activity, so good coverage is important, especially when leaf growth is rapid, and other insecticides may be needed to extend control.
28G13.5-20.5 fl oz12 h7 dApply before aphid populations build. Rapid anti-feeding activity helps to limit spread of viruses, like Potato Virus Y, that spread quickly.
Minecto Pro
abamectin, cyantraniprole
6, 28G10 fl oz12 h14 dApply before aphid populations build. Rapid anti-feeding activity helps to limit spread of viruses, like Potato Virus Y, that spread quickly. The abamectin in Minecto Pro is not very effective for aphids.
Sivanto 200 SL
4DE7-10.5 fl oz4 h7 dEarly-to-mid season application will cover several migrating pests. Apply before populations build. Rapid anti-feeding activity helps to limit spread of viruses, like Potato Virus Y, that spread quickly. Use the highest allowed rate when aphid pressure is high, foliage is dense, or with aerial application.
Assail 70WP
4AE1-1.7 oz12 h7 dApply when aphids are first detected.
4AE3 oz12 h14 dApply when aphids are first detected.
9DE3 fl oz12 h7 dApply at the first sign of aphids. Anti-feeding activity should limit spread of potato viruses.
novaluron, acetamidiprid
15, 4AG9-12 fl oz12 h14 dApply when aphids are first detected. The novaluron in Cormoran is not very effective for aphids.
NCF-P1-3.5 pt4 h0 dApply when aphids first appear. It may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.
Neemix 4.5 IGR
NCF-P5-7 fl oz4 h0 dApply when aphids first appear. It may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.
PyGanic Crop Protection EC 5.0
3AF-P4.5-15.61 fl oz12 h0 dApply when insects first appear. Don’t wait until plants are heavily infested. It may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high.
BioCover MLT
mineral oil/petroleum distillate
NCF-P See Label4 hApply when aphids first appear to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, or before aphids are present in large numbers if the goal is to keep aphid numbers in check and virus spread is not a concern.
neem oil
NCF-P See Label4 h0 dApply before aphids are present in large numbers if the goal is to keep aphid numbers in check and virus spread is not a concern. Apply when aphids first appear to limit virus spread, however it may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.
Asana XL
3P5.8 to 9.6 fl oz12 h7 dNot particularly effective for aphids. Use of pyrethroid insecticides is not recommended mid-season. If used, monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.
Baythroid XL
3P2.8 fl oz12 h0 dUse of pyrethroid insecticides is not recommended mid-season. Not very effective for aphids. If used, apply before aphid populations build. Monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.
Warrior II
3P1.28-1.92 fl oz24 h7 dUse of pyrethroid insecticides is not recommended mid-season. Not very effective for aphids. If used, apply before aphid populations build. Monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.
Mustang Maxx
3P3.2-4.0 fl oz12 h1 dUse of pyrethroid insecticides is not recommended mid-season. Not very effective for aphids. If used, apply before aphid populations build. Monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.
abamectin (avermectin) and bifenthrin
3, 6P7 to 17 fl oz12 h21 dUse of pyrethroid insecticides, including package mixes with other active ingredients, is not recommended mid-season. If used, apply before aphid populations build. Monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.
Leverage 360
beta-cyfluthrin, imidacloprid
3, 4P2.8 fl oz12 h7 dUse of pyrethroid insecticides is not recommended mid-season. If used, apply before aphid populations build. Monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.
bifenthrin, imidacloprid
3, 4AP3.8-6.14 fl oz12 h21 dUse of pyrethroid insecticides is not recommended mid-season. If used, apply before aphid populations build. Monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.
Notes: Early-to-mid season application will cover aphids and some other migrating pests. Apply when aphids are migrating into potatoes.

Stage of Development: Tuber Bulking


0 Product Choices

62 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Late Tuber Bulking to Harvest
Pesticide MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Carbine 50 WG
29E2.0-2.8 oz12 h7 dApply before populations start to build, or before a systemic aphicide treatment breaks down. Rapid feeding cessation, so it is a good choice to limit spread of Potato Virus Y.
9BE2.75-5.5 oz12 h14 dApply before populations start to build, or before a systemic aphicide treatment breaks down. Rapid feeding cessation, and aphids die 3-5 days later. A good choice to limit spread of Potato Virus Y. Apply 5.5 oz/A if also targeting psyllids.
28G13.5-20.5 fl oz12 h7 dApply before aphid populations build. Rapid anti-feeding activity helps to limit spread of viruses, like Potato Virus Y, that spread quickly.
Minecto Pro
abamectin, cyantraniprole
6, 28G10 fl oz12 h14 dApply before aphid populations build. Rapid anti-feeding activity helps to limit spread of viruses, like Potato Virus Y, that spread quickly. The abamectin in Minecto Pro is not very effective for aphids.
Sivanto 200 SL
4DE7-10.5 fl oz4 h7 dEarly-to-mid season application will cover several migrating pests. Apply before populations build. Rapid anti-feeding activity helps to limit spread of viruses, like Potato Virus Y, that spread quickly. Use the highest allowed rate when aphid pressure is high, foliage is dense, or with aerial application.
Assail 70WP
4AE1-1.7 oz12 h7 dApply when aphids are first detected.
4AE3 oz12 h14 dApply when aphids are first detected.
9DE3 fl oz12 h7 dApply at the first sign of aphids. Anti-feeding activity should limit spread of potato viruses.
novaluron, acetamidiprid
15, 4AG9-12 fl oz12 h14 dApply when aphids are first detected. The novaluron in Cormoran is not very effective for aphids.
NCF-P1-3.5 pt4 h0 dApply when aphids first appear. It may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.
Neemix 4.5 IGR
NCF-P5-7 fl oz4 h0 dApply when aphids first appear. It may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.
PyGanic Crop Protection EC 5.0
3AF-P4.5-15.61 fl oz12 h0 dApply when insects first appear. Don’t wait until plants are heavily infested. It may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high.
BioCover MLT
mineral oil/petroleum distillate
NCF-P See Label4 hApply when aphids first appear to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, or before aphids are present in large numbers if the goal is to keep aphid numbers in check and virus spread is not a concern.
neem oil
NCF-P See Label4 h0 dApply before aphids are present in large numbers if the goal is to keep aphid numbers in check and virus spread is not a concern. Apply when aphids first appear to limit virus spread, however it may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.
Lannate LV
1AE1.5 to 3.0 pt48 h6 dIt will knockback aphids. Lannate LV is best used late season to knockback multiple pests.
Asana XL
3F-P5.8 to 9.6 fl oz12 h7 dNot particularly effective for aphids.
Dimethoate 400 EC
1BG0.5-1.0 pt48 h0 dIt will knockback aphid populations.
21AG17-21 fl oz12 h14 dApply when aphids are present for knockback control with anti-feeding.
Leverage 360
beta-cyfluthrin, imidacloprid
3, 4E-G2.8 fl oz12 h7 dApply before aphid populations build.
bifenthrin, imidacloprid
3, 4AE3.8-6.14 fl oz12 h21 dApply before aphid populations build.
Transform WG
4CE 24 h7 dApply when aphids are present.
abamectin (avermectin) and bifenthrin
3, 6F-P 12 h21 dApply before aphid populations build. Not very effective for aphids, especially compared to most other target pests.

Stage of Development: Late Tuber Bulking to Harvest


0 Product Choices

50 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Preplant
Pesticide MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Cruiser Maxx Potato Insecticide and Fungicide
thiamethoxam + fludioxonil
4A; 12E See Label12 hIt may work too slowly to prevent spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Apply at 0.19-0.27 fl oz/100 lb seed.
Admire Pro (seed treatment)
4AE See LabelIt may work too slowly to prevent spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Apply at 0.17-0.35 fl oz/100 lb seed.
Belay (seed treatment)
4AE See LabelIt may work too slowly to prevent spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Apply at 0.4-0.6 fl oz/100 lb seed.

Stage of Development: Preplant


0 Product Choices

3 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.