Trilogy(neem oil)

General Information

Trilogy (neem oil) works via contact and ingestion. It reduces insect feeding and acts as a repellent. It also interferes with insect hormone systems, making it harder for insects to grow and lay eggs. Ground or air application. Use enough water to completely cover plants. Maintain constant agitation in spray equipment. Repeat applications every 7-14 days as needed. Don’t apply to stressed plants and use with care on plants with tender tissue. There is potential for leaf burn. Similar neem oil products are available, but use rates vary.

Usage for Trilogy

Stage of Development: Emergence to Row Closure
Pest or Disease MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Aphid (various species) NCF-P See Label4 h0 dApply before aphids are present in large numbers if the goal is to keep aphid numbers in check and virus spread is not a concern. Apply when aphids first appear to limit virus spread, however it may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.
Potato Psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) NCND See Label4 h0 dApply when adults psyllids are depositing eggs and/or when nymphs are present.
Thrips (Thripidae) NCND See Label4 h0 dApply before thrips are present in large numbers.

Stage of Development: Emergence to Row Closure


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Potato Psyllid

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1 Notes

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1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Tuber Bulking
Pest or Disease MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Aphid (various species) NCF-P See Label4 h0 dApply before aphids are present in large numbers if the goal is to keep aphid numbers in check and virus spread is not a concern. Apply when aphids first appear to limit virus spread, however it may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.
Potato Psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) NCND See Label4 h0 dApply when adults psyllids are depositing eggs and/or when nymphs are present.
Two-spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae) NCND See Label4 h0 dApply when mites first appear.

Stage of Development: Tuber Bulking


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Potato Psyllid

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3 Notes

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Two-spotted Spider Mite

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2 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Late Tuber Bulking to Harvest
Pest or Disease MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Aphid (various species) NCF-P See Label4 h0 dApply before aphids are present in large numbers if the goal is to keep aphid numbers in check and virus spread is not a concern. Apply when aphids first appear to limit virus spread, however it may work too slowly to limit spread of Potato Virus Y, especially when winged (migratory) aphid numbers are high. Does not provide immediate mortality.
Potato Psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) NCND See Label4 h0 dApply when adults psyllids are depositing eggs and/or when nymphs are present.
Two-spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae) NCND See Label4 h0 dApply when mites first appear.

Stage of Development: Late Tuber Bulking to Harvest


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3 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

Potato Psyllid

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3 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

Two-spotted Spider Mite

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2 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.