Telone II (dichloropropene)

General Information

Telone II is a soil fumigant. For best results, soil in the fumigation zone must be moist and free of clods before application. Residues should be incorporated prior to treatment. Pay attention to soil temperature, depth of application, and use rate recommendations that may differ for each targeted pest. Seal the soil immediately after application to prevent fumigant loss, then leave undisturbed for 7-14 days. Allow the fumigant to dissipate completely before planting; plan for 1 week for each 10 gal/A.

Usage for Telone II

Stage of Development: Fall Field Preparation
Pest or Disease MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Nematodes (various spp.) (various) 11E-G See Label5 dSupplemental labeling for Telone II provides specific instructions for root knot and stubby root nematodes.
Root Lesion Nematodes (Pratylenchus species) 11E-G9-25 gal5 dApply by shanking in at ≥18-inch depth. Use 9-12 gal/A for mineral soils, and 25 gal/A for muck. Soil temperature must be between 40°F and 80°F.
Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne species) 11E-G15-25 gal5 dColumbia root knot nematodes: use 20 gal/A for mineral soil or 25 gal/A for muck. Northern root knot nematodes: use 15 gal/A for mineral soil or 18 gal/A for muck. Shank-in at 18-inch depth or more. Soil temperature must be between 40°F and 80°F.
Stubby Root Nematodes (Paratrichodorus and Trichodorus species) 11E-G20-25 gal5 dUse 20 gal/A for mineral soil or 25 gal/A for muck. Shank-in at 18-inch depth or more. Soil temperature must be between 40°F and 80°F.
Wireworms (Elateridae) 11G-F20-25 gal5 dApply when wireworms are present. Soil temperature at application depth must be > 50°F or wireworms may be too deep. Use 20 gal/A for mineral soil or 25 gal/A for muck. Shank-in at 14-inch depth or more, or at least 18-inch depth if also targeting nematodes.

Stage of Development: Fall Field Preparation

Nematodes (various spp.)

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2 Notes

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Root Lesion Nematodes

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2 Notes

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Root-Knot Nematodes

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2 Notes

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Stubby Root Nematodes

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2 Notes

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2 Notes

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1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Preplant
Pest or Disease MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Nematodes (various spp.) (various) 11E-G See Label5 dSupplemental labeling for Telone II provides specific instructions for root knot and stubby root nematodes.
Root Lesion Nematodes (Pratylenchus species) 11E-G9-25 gal5 dApply by shanking in at ≥18-inch depth. Use 9-12 gal/A for mineral soils, and 25 gal/A for muck. Soil temperature must be between 40°F and 80°F.
Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne species) 11E-G15-25 gal5 dColumbia root knot nematodes: use 20 gal/A for mineral soil or 25 gal/A for muck. Northern root knot nematodes: use 15 gal/A for mineral soil or 18 gal/A for muck. Shank-in at 18-inch depth or more. Soil temperature must be between 40°F and 80°F.
Stubby Root Nematodes (Paratrichodorus and Trichodorus species) 11E-G20-25 gal5 dUse 20 gal/A for mineral soil or 25 gal/A for muck. Shank-in at 18-inch depth or more. Soil temperature must be between 40°F and 80°F.
Wireworms (Elateridae) 11G-F20-25 gal5 dApply when wireworms are present. Soil temperature at application depth must be > 50°F or wireworms may be too deep. Use 20 gal/A for mineral soil or 25 gal/A for muck. Shank-in at 14-inch depth or more, or at least 18-inch depth if also targeting nematodes.

Stage of Development: Preplant

Nematodes (various spp.)

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2 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

Root Lesion Nematodes

0 Product Choices

2 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

Root-Knot Nematodes

0 Product Choices

2 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

Stubby Root Nematodes

0 Product Choices

2 Notes

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0 Product Choices

2 Notes

Applications and Notes »  Pest Info »

1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.