Athena(abamectin (avermectin) and bifenthrin)

General Information

Athena has contact and ingestion activity. It is toxic to many kinds of insects with a relatively long duration of impact from residues. This and other products with pyrethroid insecticides (Group 3) should not be used mid-season because they kill predatory insects that help to keep aphids, psyllids, thrips, and spider mites in check. Athena is translaminar, but not systemic. Spray adjuvants are recommended, but don’t use stickers or binders. Do not chemigate. Make only two consecutive applications, and do not make them less than 21 days apart. Pay attention to maximum application rates for both bifenthrin and avermectin when using this and other products containing those ingredients. 

Usage for Athena

Stage of Development: Emergence to Row Closure
Pest or Disease MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Aphid (various species) 3, 6F-P7-17 fl oz12 h21 dApply before aphid populations build, but only if it’s before mid-June. Not very effective for aphids.
Armyworms, Cutworms, Loopers (various genera, Lepidoptera) 3, 6G7-17 fl oz12 h21 dApply when small caterpillars are present if it’s before mid-June.
Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) 3, 6G7-17 fl oz12 h21 dApply at 50% egg hatch when larvae are small, but only if it’s before mid-June.
Lygus Bugs (Lygus species) 3, 6G10-17 fl oz12 h21 dApply when nymph stages are present and it’s before mid-June.
Potato Psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) 3, 6G (n+a)10-17 fl oz12 h21 dApply when psyllids are present, but only if it’s before mid-June. In addition to adults, it should control nymphs if they show up early in the season.

Stage of Development: Emergence to Row Closure


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Armyworms, Cutworms, Loopers

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Colorado Potato Beetle

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Lygus Bugs

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Potato Psyllid

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1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Tuber Bulking
Pest or Disease MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Aphid (various species) 3, 6P7 to 17 fl oz12 h21 dUse of pyrethroid insecticides, including package mixes with other active ingredients, is not recommended mid-season. If used, apply before aphid populations build. Monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.
Armyworms, Cutworms, Loopers (various genera, Lepidoptera) 3, 6P7 to 17 fl oz12 h21 dUse of pyrethroid insecticides, including package mixes with other active ingredients, is not recommended mid-season. If used, apply when caterpillars are small. Monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.
Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) 3, 6P7 to 17 fl oz12 h21 dUse of pyrethroid insecticides, including package mixes with other active ingredients, is not recommended mid-season. If used, apply when larvae are small. Monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.
Lygus Bugs (Lygus species) 3, 6P10 to 17 fl oz12 h21 dUse of pyrethroid insecticides, including package mixes with other active ingredients, is not recommended mid-season. If used, apply when nymphs are small. Monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.
Potato Psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) 3, 6P (n+a)10 to 17 fl oz12 h21 dUse of pyrethroid insecticides, including package mixes with other active ingredients, is not recommended mid-season. If used, apply when psyllids are present. It will control nymphs and adults. Monitor for subsequent pest outbreaks.

Stage of Development: Tuber Bulking


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Armyworms, Cutworms, Loopers

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Colorado Potato Beetle

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Lygus Bugs

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Potato Psyllid

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1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.


Stage of Development: Late Tuber Bulking to Harvest
Pest or Disease MOA1 Efficacy2 Rate per Acre3 REI4 PHI5 Notes
Aphid (various species) 3, 6F-P 12 h21 dApply before aphid populations build. Not very effective for aphids, especially compared to most other target pests.
Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) 3, 6G7 to 17 fl oz12 h21 dApply at 50% egg hatch when larvae are small.
Potato Psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) 3, 6G (n+a)10 to 17 fl oz12 h21 dApply when psyllids are present.
Tuberworm (Phthorimaea operculella) 3, 6G7-17 fl oz12 h21 dApply in the weeks prior to vine desiccation or harvest when larvae are feeding in the foliage. The PHI is 20-days. The avermectin in Athena will not improve control of tuberworm. Thorough coverage of foliage is essential.
Two-spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae) 3, 6G-F10-17 fl oz12 h21 dApply when mites are first detected, but only if it’s about 4 weeks to vine kill or harvest.

Stage of Development: Late Tuber Bulking to Harvest


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Colorado Potato Beetle

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Potato Psyllid

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Two-spotted Spider Mite

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1Mode of action. NC = not classified..
2 Efficacy ratings denote the relative ability of a pesticide to control its target. The ratings are E = excellent, G = good, F = fair/suppression; P = poor, and ND = no data. Efficacy ratings are based on the inherent toxicity of the pesticide against its target, the likelihood that the target will contact or ingest the product as applied, duration of impact on the target, and undesired effects, such as negative impacts on natural enemies that could lead to future pest outbreaks.
3 Rate per acre per application. Refer to the product label for maximum use rate per season.
4 Reentry interval.
5The minimum pre-harvest interval. Some products do not list PHI.
Note: always read and follow the directions on the pesticide label.